


Phillipou, A., Tan, E.J., Toh, W.L., Van Rheenen, T.E., Meyer, D., Neill, E., Sumner, P.J. and Rossell, S.L., 2021. Pet ownership and mental health during COVID‐19 lockdown. Australian veterinary journal, 99(10), pp.423-426.

the epidemic not only affected humans and animals, but also caused a negative psychological impact on adults and children (Odriozola-González et al., 2020; Rothe et al., 2021; Saddik et al., 2021). In the past Research has shown that pets have a positive impact on people’s psychology, helping people achieve family resilience during times of stress. This article made me curious about the impact pets can have on people’s mental health.

The first thing to do is to determine the positive effects of pets on people’s mental health. I refer to Cusack’s book Pets and mental health. I will explain it later. Secondly, in times of crisis, the relationship between people and pets has the potential to be magnified – whether positive Still negative. For example, the effects of unemployment and resource scarcity during a pandemic may intersect significantly with pet ownership. The perception that companion animals may reduce loneliness may be driving the increase in pets, with some preliminary data suggesting that adoption rates have increased during the pandemic (Morgan et al. 2020). However, pet abandonment may be linked to pandemic-related economic stress, suggesting the need to explore pet ownership shifts in the context of mental health.

This article is based on the fact that I am raising pets myself, and it is my research on the relationship between the proportion of adopted pets and the proportion of abandoned pets and people’s mental health during the epidemic.

Sample characteristics of pet and non-pet owners

Pet ownership was defined as owning a cat and/or dog specifically. Other pets (e.g. fish, chickens) were excluded, as evidence of the mental health benefits of owning these types of pets is still equivocal, and focusing on cats and dogs provided a more homogeneous sample given the similarities in level of care and interaction with pet owners. Sample characteristics of pet (n = 138) and non-pet (n = 125) owners are presented in it. Hierarchical linear regression analyses were employed to examine whether pet ownership significantly contributed to three psychological wellbeing domains (quality of life, resilience and loneliness) above other situational factors (all binary variables other than age), such as living alone or with others (including dependent children), working from home, having lost one’s job and age. Negative mood states (depression, anxiety and stress) were also accounted for in line with evidence of their contribution to psychological wellbeing. Analyses were undertaken with SPSS V27. Cases with missing data for each regression were deleted listwise. Multicollinearity was assessed by examining variance inflation factors (VIF).


Cusack, O., 2014. Pets and mental health. Routledge.

this book presents the latest research and inspiring findings about the use of pets in mental health treatment. Reviews the historical basis for the use of pets in therapy and provides many examples of the outcomes of prescribing pets to disabled, lonely, incarcerated, and institutionalised individuals. The authors provide compelling evidence for the therapeutic value of animals in making us happier, healthier and more sociable. Although the terms human-animal bond and pet-promoting therapy are relatively new in the scientific literature, the concepts they encompass have been around for centuries. BACK-COVER COPY Research shows that animals promote humour, laughter, play and a sense of importance in people. Numerous examples show surprising results of prescribing pets to disabled, lonely, incarcerated and institutionalised people. Animal lover and author Odean Cusack provides compelling evidence that animals have therapeutic value in making us happier, healthier and more sociable.

However, this book was published in the 1990s, and it lacks some timeliness for the current epidemic era, but it can also strongly prove that pets have a positive psychological healing effect on people who are also lonely and face psychological problems during the epidemic.


Ho, J., Hussain, S. and Sparagano, O., 2021. Did the COVID-19 pandemic spark a public interest in pet adoption?. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

This is a study to determine whether global interest in pet adoption increased immediately after the WHO declared a pandemic, and whether the impact was sustainable eight months later. Conducted a Google Trends search using keywords related to pet adoption. The lowest and highest relative search volume (RSV) is scored between 0 and 100, respectively. The countries that contributed the most to this dataset include Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia. From 2015 to 2020, RSV in the global pet, dog and cat adoption category peaked between April and May 2020 during the early epidemic phase of the pandemic. Compared to the same period in 2019, RSV rates for dog and cat adoptions (2020/2019) increased by up to 250%. Nonetheless, RSV in dog adoptions has been declining since July 2020, returning to the 5-year average by December 2020. In contrast, interest in cat adoption remains high. In conclusion, global interest in pet adoption surged in the early stages of the pandemic, but it was not sustainable. With the introduction of a COVID-19 vaccine, there are concerns that these newly adopted pets may be abandoned when they leave home for work in the future.

This article expresses the problem of pet abandonment after the pandemic. Most of the reasons come from people’s concerns about pets carrying viruses, as well as people’s pressures in life, and separation anxiety that pets will face when pet owners return to work after the epidemic.

Relative search volume of pet adoption related key words between December 2015 and December 2020. The panels from top to bottom indicated the searches for pet adoption, dog adoption, and cat adoption, respectively. Peaks as indicated by rectangles were observed following the WHO declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article I am interested

1.Parry NMA. COVID-19 and pets: when pandemic meets panic. Forensic Sci Int. (2020) 2:100090.

2.Irian M. COVID-19, your pet and other animals: are you at risk? Medic Rev. (2020) 22:81–2. doi: 10.37757/MR2020.V22

3.Vincent, A., Mamzer, H., Ng, Z. and Farkas, K.J., 2020. People and their pets in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Society Register, 4(3), pp.111-128.


The change l want to see

Project report

When I saw the title “The Change I want to see”, I was very confused. I thought about a lot of things, such as the change in curriculum and the impact of aging. But there’s more to being inspired by what’s around you, and in my case, it’s my cat. According to BBC news in 2021, pet ownership rose by 47% in the wake of the outbreak, meaning more and more people have pets in recent years. According to sociologists, pets have a positive impact on people’s mental health, which partly explains the rise in pet sales during the pandemic. However, for first-time pet owners, Whether there is a software that can help them raise their pets better aroused my curiosity.

BBC news ‘Households ‘buy 3.2 million pets in lockdown’
Published on 12 March 2021, accessed :

After such background investigation and combining with my own experience, I choose pet mobile phone software as the problem I want to change. Before starting, I investigated the existing pet apps with high usage and recommendation volume in the market. Petrescures by Home Again, an app that includes pet medical rescue and finding lost pets. Petparent, an online community of pet lovers and owners. Dogsync, an app that allows you to track your pet’s steps, eating habits, medical records and more. Neko Atsume, a virtual cat breeding app. These apps include pet training, virtual pets, pet rescue, pet diary and a host of other functions. These apps don’t have much in common, but target users are the same, pet owners and animal lovers.

Based on these existing apps, I conducted a basic questionnaire survey among 30 pet owners on their demand for pet apps. Pet owners pay more attention to pet health and pet derived services, such as pet grooming, pet training, pet funeral and so on. But the data were limited because all of the participants already owned pets. For an excellent pet app, a clear understanding of stakeholders can help me think more clearly. For an app, the most important thing is definitely the positioning of users, namely pet owners and animal lovers, and then app designers. Then comes the source of content in the app, such as pet supply factories, pet hospitals, pet service industry, etc. Finally, the brand IP is essential for all kinds of social shopping software.

It’s not easy to make an app that people like. The first one is the making and design of app. I have no professional knowledge in this field, and app making will be very limited. Secondly, the attraction of APP users. I need to know what kind of APP is lacking and needed by current users. And then the cooperation with all kinds of pet products, pet hospitals and so on. Finally, there is how the platform generates revenue. After communicating with my tutor, I am still confused about what should be included in this app. I have two ideas, one is an app about pet adoption and the follow-up after adoption, and the other is a super app that contains a series of pet raising knowledge, pet socialising and pet services. I will decide based on the practicalities of making the app and the data from the questionnaire I will carry out later to see what people really need. Before starting the questionnaire, I will analyse the existing pet apps and compare them with the pet data in recent years.


However, before researching, I should actually focus on the problem I want to solve, not the solution, and should not be limited to making an app. So I screened out two issues, namely, how to reduce the number of people adopting pets Abandonment problems of pets and the painful emotions after pets are abandoned.

Target audience:

· People who lives in Urban area
· People who live from their family
· Single means without full social connections
· Who is demographic


· RSPCA(the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and we’ve been here for animals since 1824. We’re the world’s oldest and largest animal welfare charity, with the primary focus of rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming or releasing animals across England and Wales.)

· People who are willing to adopt pets

What to do next

Identifying pre-existing data on abandonments rate before and after the pandemic

  • Identifying a demographic that is mainly responsible for abandoning a pet (so what are the reasons why someone might not only decide to get a pet, but also abandon it)
  • Is there a tool that will be able to prevent this problem from happening / educate people whether they’re ready to commit to a pet for years to come?


  • Halbreich, E.D. and Mueller, M.K., 2022. Profiles of family pet ownership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Psychology, pp.1-5.
  • Mueller, M. K., King, E. K., Callina, K., Dowling-Guyer, S., & McCobb, E. (2021). Demographic and contextual factors as moderators of the relationship between pet ownership and health. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 701–723.
  • Wells, D. L. (2019). The state of research on human–animal relations: Implications for human health. Anthrozoös, 32(2), 169–181.
  • 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 March 2021].

After reading the reference l have make a bibliography for understand the article and data clearly.


The uncertainty box

When I saw the question of this project, I was very confused. First of all, what is the uncertainty box? I have too many ideas about uncertain things, such as the field of future work, the mental health problems of studying abroad, etc.

Based on the spread of the epidemic and the combination of some online classes and offline classes adopted by the school at that time, we will encounter many problems during the process of online classes, such as network fluctuations, difficulties in listening, etc. I put the sense of time-space compression into my the indeterminate box.

First, we need to know when space-time compression, according to Marxist Thought (1993), refers to an idea that capital expansion causes changes in space-time properties and space-time relationships. It is rooted in Karl Marx’s theory that “space is annihilated by time”. Space-time compression is the result of technological innovations driven by the expansion of global capital that compress or eliminate distances in space and time, including communication technologies (telegraph, telephone , fax machines, the Internet) and travel technologies (railways, cars, trains, jets), driven by the need to overcome space barriers, open up new markets, speed up production cycles and reduce capital turnaround times.

In many cases, the sense of space-time compression is associated with globalisation. With the advancement of globalisation, the sense of space-time in the geographical sense will become weaker and weaker. For example, the birth of online courses has reduced the sense of space-time compression. You can take classes in the same “classroom” with your teacher anywhere in the world, and exchange ideas without barriers.

However, for online courses, the sense of time-space compression is fluctuating, that is, uncertain. First of all, there are still many differences between online classrooms and real classrooms. How can we guarantee that what we receive on the Internet at this moment? Is it correct and real-time news? Any network fluctuations and software problems will lead to fluctuations in time and space. Secondly, compared with offline education, the design of online courses lacks the experience and interactivity of topics. The survey shows that two weeks into the lockdown, 75% of students reported that their life had become more difficult and 50% felt that learning outcomes would be harder to achieve due to the sudden shift to online education. Twelve weeks into the lockdown, the corresponding numbers were 57% and 71%, respectively.

Citation: Almendingen K, Morseth MS, Gjølstad E, Brevik A, Tørris C (2021) Student’s experiences with online teaching following COVID-19 lockdown: A mixed methods explorative study. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0250378.

Students in Public Health Nutrition answered questionnaires two and 12 weeks (N = 79: response rate 20.3% and 26.6%, respectively) after the lockdown in Norway on 12 March 2020 and participated in digital focus group interviews in May 2020 (mixed methods study).

With the support of the data, I think that the sense of time-space compression of online courses during the epidemic is uncontrollable. However, I did not insist on this topic as my future topic. First of all, the sense of time-space compression is a theorem of physics and geography. Unable to fully penetrate this theorem, and I found a topic that I am more interested in and closer to my life.


Marx, Karl. Grundrisse. Penguin Classics, 1993. pp. 539.

Morley, D., 2005. Globalisation and cultural imperialism reconsidered. Media and cultural theory, pp.30-43.

Almendingen K, Morseth MS, Gjølstad E, Brevik A, Tørris C (2021) Student’s experiences with online teaching following COVID-19 lockdown: A mixed methods explorative study. PLoS ONE 16(8): e0250378.


Hello world!

Welcome to myblog.arts. This is your first post. 


I am Xueyu Li and if you want you can call me Emerald instead. 

Here is a place where a master student observes the world and tries to change it. This blog is to update my thoughts on the MA Applied Imagination in CSM. I hope everyone who reads it will not be stingy with their own evaluation.



My favourite picture of myself ❤️

“Overall, l know it seems like the world is crumbling out there, but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy, follow your curiosity , and be ambitious about it. Don’t give up on your dreams. The world needs you all.”

Lawrence Edward Page