
The challenge

The questionnaire and interview include qualitative and quantitative methods, and there will be literature sorting and research in the whole process of the study. When I think of the rudiment of the solution to solve the abandonment rate, I will contact the managers of RSPCA and Facebook adoption group again to test the application or other further solutions to ensure its practicability in the future. There is no such kind a prefect way or intervention for my project but all different methodologies make the project more complete. In the future there will be more and more methods, attempts and even failures but there will also be a greater possibility to solve the pet abandonment problem .

However, in addition to the imperfection of the method, there are still many problems found in the process of research. The first is the type of solution.

At first, I thought of shooting a documentary about pet owners, people who abandoned their pets, potential pet owners who wanted pets and adoption agencies. However, I am not a professional director and the participants I am looking for cannot fully express their views At the first stage, I was still at a loss. At present, my initial idea is to make a small software for foreign students and migrant workers These include self-evaluation before raising pets, popularization of pet protection law, recommendation of pet insurance and cooperation with adoption agencies
Diana also gave me a wonderful suggestion to contact the student union for cooperation. For those students who study abroad and have no fixed long-term residence, they are still advised not to keep pets. It is obvious that the suggestion should be improved again. These are only preliminary ideas.

Finally, even if there is a certain solution, I realize that the problem of pet abandonment cannot be fundamentally solved. What I can do is to reduce or prevent the problem of pet abandonment to a certain extent and come up with a way to deal with the aftermath Even if some pets are abandoned by their owners, there are ways to give them a better living environment



During these two months, I observed three types of stakeholders in different forms at the beginning of the study, I designed a questionnaire to investigate people aged 16 to 40 who have pets or are interested in pets. The questions include the age of the participants, their living status (living alone or settling down outside), various problems about pets and their views on pet abandonment and adoption The following is the detailed data of the questionnaire.

From this survey, it can be clearly seen that people are more likely to want pets when they are away from home , and most people have seen abandoned pets around them(Cusack, O., 2014). Part of the abandoned pets are transferred to friends for adoption The advantage of the questionnaire is that the participation of participants is low, and people are generally willing to spend a few minutes to answer more basic questions, which is very beneficial to the early data collection and analysis The questionnaire has great advantages in efficiency, objectivity, uniformity and universality.

However, the questionnaire has three fatal shortcomings.

First of all, the questionnaire lacks flexibility. Since the answers of the questionnaire are preset by me in advance, the answers will be limited and some more detailed and deeper information will be missed The second point is easy to be misunderstood. The questionnaires are usually freely answered by participants, which is prone to missing answers and misunderstanding The third and most important point is that the recovery rate and effective rate are low The recovery rate of questionnaires released through the Internet is often low, and many participants may not answer carefully, which will have a great negative impact on the survey sample.


Summer plan

After a series of basic reading, I began to look at the stakeholders of this project, mainly including potential pet owners who interested in pets, pet adoption agencies, pet abandoners, and the connection between pet adoption agencies and pet owners

After analysing stakeholders, I will launch a series of interactions to promote my research solutions.

However, during the conversation with Diana, I realized a mistake in my topic selection I chose pet abandonment as my research target because I was attracted by the rise of pet abandonment rate during the epidemic on BBC I should have set the time background of my research as the epidemic period.

BBC news about the increasing pet abandonment rate during epidemic

However, for most countries in the world, the epidemic has became a past event. I should pay more attention to the future development trend. In April, I also set the target group as people who living alone, that is, sojourners. Now I will narrow the scope I hope to solve the problem of pet abandonment for adults who studying and working abroad, especially overseas students. Although the target population is a large group in which I also live, which may lead to a high sample repetition rate, according to my follow-up research, the incidence of pet abandonment is high among overseas students It is because there are foreign students around me that I can feel the problem in more detail and try to change it

My initial plan is to collect stories about pet abandonment, conduct a basic questionnaire survey on pet abandonment, and interview and discuss with professional pet adoption agencies.

What l have done:

  1. Change my topic into “how to reduce the pet abandonment rate of people who living alone away from home”
  2. Setting up the target audience group: 16-40 years old people who study abroad or work away from home.
  3. Choose my intervention includes the methodology and stakeholders.