

During these two months, I observed three types of stakeholders in different forms at the beginning of the study, I designed a questionnaire to investigate people aged 16 to 40 who have pets or are interested in pets. The questions include the age of the participants, their living status (living alone or settling down outside), various problems about pets and their views on pet abandonment and adoption The following is the detailed data of the questionnaire.

From this survey, it can be clearly seen that people are more likely to want pets when they are away from home , and most people have seen abandoned pets around them(Cusack, O., 2014). Part of the abandoned pets are transferred to friends for adoption The advantage of the questionnaire is that the participation of participants is low, and people are generally willing to spend a few minutes to answer more basic questions, which is very beneficial to the early data collection and analysis The questionnaire has great advantages in efficiency, objectivity, uniformity and universality.

However, the questionnaire has three fatal shortcomings.

First of all, the questionnaire lacks flexibility. Since the answers of the questionnaire are preset by me in advance, the answers will be limited and some more detailed and deeper information will be missed The second point is easy to be misunderstood. The questionnaires are usually freely answered by participants, which is prone to missing answers and misunderstanding The third and most important point is that the recovery rate and effective rate are low The recovery rate of questionnaires released through the Internet is often low, and many participants may not answer carefully, which will have a great negative impact on the survey sample.

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