

The second intervention was an interview with the official adoption agency and the administrator of the UK’s largest pet adoption agency on Facebook As the source organisation for adopting pets and collecting the source of abandoned pets, I think they can give more official and professional suggestions The interview covers the process of adoption, follow-up after adoption, and requirements for adoption.

Before adoption, background investigation is generally conducted on the adopters, including the living conditions and living conditions of the adopters, video interviews, etc., which to a certain extent ensures the follow-up life of the adopted pets. However, in the face of the increasing abandonment rate, I would like to see the opinions of professionals.

The advantage of the interview is that I can ask some extended questions during the interview, such as detailed story analysis and sharing The interviewee can also provide in-depth information. The mutual inspiration between the interviewee and the interviewee will inspire each other. We can also consider the feasibility of the later solution.

The disadvantage of the interview is that the interviews I choose are all one-to-one and the sample is small In addition, due to work and public information, the interviewee may only show the side he wants to show Moreover, since neither I nor the interviewee is a professional, the questions raised may not be comprehensive and professional, and the interviewee may have an investigator effect (for example, the interviewee who lacks training may mislead the research data due to personal expression problems)

For the potential problems in the interview, I will conduct a long-term interview with the two interviewers. From the interview on the basic issues such as the adoption steps in the early stage, to the current research plan to solve the abandonment rate, and then to the feasibility test of the research plan. The interview will be turned into a sustainability interview. Secondly, ensure a certain degree of anonymity and the privacy of the interviewees to strengthen the participants’ confidence in the “facts”.


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